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Title 1 Information

February 21, 2018

                                           What is Title I Reading?


What is Title I Reading?

Title I Reading is a Federally Funded Program from the Stevens Act, designed to improve the academic achievement of children.  The purpose of this school-wide program is to ensure that all children have a fair, equal, and significant opportunity to obtain a high quality education and reach, at minimum, proficiency on challenging state academic common core standards and state academic assessments.  

On-site reviews are conducted regularly by the state to monitor a school-wide Title I program.

Goals of the Title I School:

  • Improve student performance in reading to meet challenging common core standards.
  • Provide additional reading resources to support the regular classroom instruction.
  • Encourage a school-family partnership.
  • Communicate with parents on student progress.
  • Provide all children the opportunity to achieve success across the curriculum.



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