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5th Grade Supply List 23-24

TROJAN1a                       Auburn Community Unit School District 10                   TROJAN1a

2024/25 Supply List for 5th Grade

        1 bottle of white school glue
        6 glue sticks
        2 highlighters
        24 #2 pre-sharpened pencils
        Personal pencil sharpener
        Pencil box/pouch (big enough to hold art supplies)
        4 small pink erasers
        1 box 24 crayons
        12 colored pencils
        1 Pkg. dry erase markers (LOW ODOR)
        2 Boxes colored markers (1 thick and 1 thin)
        2 black Sharpie markers
        1 Pair Fiskars pointed scissors
        2 spiral notebooks, 70 pages wide ruled
        1 package of loose leaf paper
        2 sturdy folders (one project/stay at school, one for music)
        1 Pair of headphones for school use
        1 mouse
        2 boxes facial tissues
        Clorox wipes

        Boys-gallon sized ziploc bags
        Girls-quart sized ziploc bags

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