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Remember to always check for scholarships at the college you plan to attend!!


Find scholarships and colleges faster and more conveniently than ever with the mobile app.

iPhone or iPad:  www.scholarships.com/iphone

Android devices:  www.scholarships.com/android


Gina Widmer has great scholarship information! If you would like additional help with scholarship searching, her contact information is (708)-274-0251 or gina.widmer@isac.illinois.gov. Below are a list of helpful resources in regards to scholarships.  Most sites have a listing of both local and national scholarships. 


            *College Board

            *College Resource Network



            *College Greenlight-excellent resource!



                          Springfield 186 Link to Scholarships



                        Land of Lincoln Community Foundation

                          http://www.cfll.org/RECEIVINGbrbgrantsscholarshipsb/HowToApplyForA Scholarship.aspx


                        $$ Christian Connector, Inc.

                        The Christian Connector provides a FREE Christian college                                                               information service as well as a $2,500 Christian college scholarship                                               drawing.  Students can log onto www.christianconnector.com 

                       Carolyn A. Forbes Centennial Scholarship

                         Incoming Eastern Illinois University freshmen majoring in technology                                           may apply for this scholarship at http://www.eiu.edu/~tech

 Lillian R. Greathouse Scholarship

Incoming freshmen at Eastern Illinois University who are majoring in Career and Technical Education and is in the top 20% of his/her graduating class may apply for this scholarship at http://www.eiu.edu/~tech

                        $300-$1,000 The MENSA Education and Research Foundation                                   Scholarship

                        Scholarships are merit based.  Applications are judged solely by the 550                                         word essay that is submitted online.  For an application, go                                                              to www.mensafoundation.org/scholarships


                        Up to $40,000 Illinois College Theatre Scholarships

For students who are interested in majoring or minoring in theatre or who are interested in participating in theatre without declaring it as their major or minor.  These scholarships are awarded through an audition/interview process and are available in both performance and technical theatre areas.  For more information and to register online, go to:  www.ic.edu/theatrescholarships


                        $1,000 Illinois Heartland Decorative Artists

                        For students who will be majoring in an accredited art program. 




                  Healthcare Leaders Scholarship - Sponsored by Nurse.org

 Nurse.org is seeking applications for the Healthcare Leaders Scholarship. To be eligible for the $1000 award, students must have a GPA of 3.0 or above, be pursuing a degree related to healthcare, and submit a 600-1000 word essay by January 29th. Scholarship is offered once a year and award is paid directly to the student.

Visit our website for full scholarship details and online application.




When applying for financial aid, be aware of scams.  Some organizations imitate different types of college providers, using government- or professional-sounding names.  These scams usually ask you for money, or ask you to attend seminars to learn more about their programs.  Others tell you you’re guaranteed to win their scholarships, or claim an outrageous success rate, such as “everyone wins.”  This claim could be due to the fact that they can find you financial aid in the form of loans.

Obtaining a scholarship or grant should not cost you money, should not require you to attend a seminar, and can never be guaranteed.  Also, be cautious if a program requests unusual personal information, such as a bank account, credit card or Social Security number. And if the source does not offer a phone number or street address or if you’re leery about one’s qualifications, it’s probably not a good idea to use their services.

Learn more about financial aid scams at The Federal Trade Commission’s Scholarship Scam Web Site.  One way to learn more about the company in question is to search for available information on the Internet by using one of the numerous common search engines.


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