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Remember when your mom made the best cupcakes or cookies and brought them to school for your birthday? Or when other parents brought in homemade goodies for holiday parties? Well, times have changed, and schools are now being held accountable for protecting both students and staff from a variety of hazards, including exposure to food allergens and foodborne pathogens. Parents can help by knowing and following school rules on what treats can and cannot be brought into school classrooms.‎

What's Allowed in Auburn Classrooms?

 Auburn School District has established new rules that do not allow homemade treats to be brought into the classroom.  We are establishing this rule due to food safety and food allergy concerns.  With food allergies becoming more prevalent among young children, our teachers and staff are becoming more careful about what they allow in the classroom.  By eliminating homemade goods, the idea is to avoid any possible food contamination or common food allergens.  The District prohibits any distribution of food or treats except foods that are individually, commercially wrapped.  Foods made at home may not be distributed within the school.  If your child wants to bring a birthday treat, encourage them to bring in a healthy snack such as baked crackers, baked chips, applesauce cups, popcorn, or 100% fruit snacks. NO NUTS, PEANUTS, OR NUTS OF ANY KIND are allowed separately or in another item such as granola bars.  Treats and snacks may not require refrigeration and must have a clearly printed list of ingredients on the packaging.  Due to health concerns and scheduling, treats and snacks for any occasion must be arranged in advance with the classroom teacher.  In addition to restrictions on homemade goods, Auburn School District has implemented wellness policies, which include a component on nutritious treats.  These policies encourage parents to send treats that are more nutritious compared to cupcakes and other traditional sweet items.  Attention! Attention! Please do not send cupcakes, doughnuts, or sheet cakes for your child’s birthday treats.  These items are not individually wrapped and do not meet the guidelines of our district policy.  Cupcakes, cakes, doughnuts will be sent back home!  If your child wants to bring something to celebrate their birthday, we are strongly encouraging families to send non-food items as a viable option.  Instead of a food item, please consider sending something for the class to enjoy if approved by the teacher such as:

                • A game for the classroom

                • A classroom book (A nice touch would be having your child pick it out, sign it, and date it.)

                • A classroom set of items for each child to keep such as pencils, pens, erasers, markers, etc.

The items listed above will still make your child feel special and they will last a lot longer than a food item.


Auburn School District #10

606 W. North Street

Auburn, IL 62615

(217) 438-5231

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