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Title I Reading Strategies

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Title 1 Reading Strategies

February 21, 2018

                                    READING STRATEGIES


What Does It Mean?

How To Use This Strategy


A prediction is a guess you make based off the clues in the text or a picture.

Use the evidence from the text or your schema (what you already know) to make a prediction of what might happen next in the story.  We make predictions before and during reading.  After reading, we check our predictions.

**I think ________ will happen, because...

Fiction Summarizing

A summary is a short description of the most important events in the story.  It tells what happens.

To summarize a fiction (not true) story, readers need to think about the important story elements, such as characters, plot and setting.

**Who is in the story?                 

**Where and when does the story take place?

**What is the problem and how is it solved?

**What lesson do we learn?

Non Fiction Summarizing

A summary is a short description of the main idea and important details/facts of the article.

To summarize non fiction, readers need to focus on the important details or facts using headings, pictures, captions, text features, graphs, maps and diagrams.

**What is the main idea?

**What details support the main idea?

**What is the gist of the article?


A Connection is a relationship to the story that deepens your understanding and brings meaning to the text.

To connect readers think about how does this story relate to me or a story I have read.

*What did the text remind you of?

*How did the connection help you understand the text?

*Explain how you used this connection to better understand the text?


Asking questions before, during and after reading to better understand the author and meaning of the text.

In questioning, readers ask and answer questions before, during and after reading to clarify their understanding. (Who, What, When, Where, Why, What if, How, Which)

*What is the author trying to say?

*What is the message of this story?

*What do I think I will learn from this story?


Inferring is using clues from the story to figure out what the author does not directly say.

When making an inference, readers should be able to use evidence from the text to support their guess.

*What did the author mean by _____?

*I think ___________ happened because the story said _____.

*I need to change my thinking, because ______ occurred?


Imaging is creating a picture in our mind using the five senses.

To create mental images, readers must use their five senses and the story elements.

*I'm picturing ...

*What do the words and pictures remind you of?

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