What should I know about Auburn-Divernon Parent Teacher Organization?
What is the Auburn-Divernon Parent Teacher Organization?
The Auburn-Divernon Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a joint organization of parents, teachers, school staff, and members of the Auburn & Divernon communities working together to improve the educational process for all students in the Auburn School District.
The mission of the Auburn-Divernon PTO is to foster a spirit of cooperation and communication among all members of our school community and to help develop a closer relationship between home and school.
The Objectives of the PTO are:
1) Establish and maintain a working relationship among parents, school and community.
2) To provide a variety of opportunities for all parents to become involved in the school program.
3) To raise funds and provide volunteers to extend and strenthen the purpose of the Auburn School District.
But what does the PTO DO? PTO:
- hosts a fall event - Touch-A-Truck or Fall Festival
- provides a meal to the Teachers during Parent-Teacher conferences
- provides the Mad Scientist to get the Elementary and Middle school students excited about Science
- hosts an annual Father-Daughter Dance
- hosts a Mother-Son Game Night
- hosts a Creative Writing contest to all students in the District
- hosts a Junior High Dance
- hosts a family event - Bingo Night or Movie Night
- provides staff appreciation in the form of small gestures and/or gifts
- offers scholarships to two graduating seniors
- offers grants to staff for supplies/equipment or to attend workshops or conferences
The Auburn-Divernon PTO invites you to share your ideas and talents to help with the improvement of the school program. Meetings are the second Wednesday of every month at 6:30 excluding the months of December, June, July and August. Most meetings are at the Elementary School, but every third meeting (November and March) will be offsight, so check Facebook for locations.
Here are ways you can keep informed:
EMAIL: If you would like to receive e-mail notifications of PTO meetings, events, meeting notes, planning information or other PTO information, please send an e-mail to AuburnDivPTO@gmail.com requesting to be added to the PTO e-mail List. PTO will not forward any chain mails. All information will be for PTO use only. You may request to be removed from the e-mail list at anytime by sending a reply requesting to be removed.
FACEBOOK: Auburn-Divernon PTO page. "Like" to keep informed of updates and event information.
Current Officers:
President: Jamie Kuhlmann
Vice President: Paige Dambacher
Secretary: Heather Miller
Treasurer: Kristi Lancaster
Thank you for your interest in PTO. Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.
Jamie Kuhlmann
PTO President
Auburn - Divernon
Parent Teacher Organization
BY-LAWS 2019-2020
Article I – Name
This organization shall be known as the Auburn - Divernon Parent-Teacher Organization (hereafter referred to as PTO) and shall be organized as a “not-for-profit” organization.
Article II – Objectives
The objectives of this organization shall be:
- To make every parent or guardian in the Auburn Community Unit School District feel that they are an important partner in their child’s education.
- To provide a variety of opportunities for all parents or guardians to become involved in the school program and have adequate input whenever possible.
C. To raise funds and provide materials for the benefit of the students in the
Article III – Membership
A. Any parent or guardian of a child enrolled in the Auburn Community Unit School District or member of the educational staff or school board shall be a member of this PTO.
- Any PTO member desiring to present ideas, opinions or suggestions shall be heard at the monthly meeting.
Article IV – Meetings
- There shall be a minimum of eight (8) general meetings each school year.
This organization shall meet monthly, with the option of December, June, July and August, to conduct routine business and accept reports of working committees.
- Additional general meetings may be called, providing advance notice is given in the local papers or other means of mass communication.
- Meetings are open to the membership and published on the PTO website and the local newspapers or other mass communication.
- PTO meetings shall be held with a minimum of two PTO Board members present, with the exception of Special Event Committee meetings.
Article V – PTO Board
- The PTO Board shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, a Faculty Building Representative from each of the buildings in the District, and any other committee chairpersons as committees are established.
- PTO Board members should understand their attendance is required at each monthly meeting. If a board member must be absent at one of the meetings, they shall notify the President and provide any reports that must be presented on their behalf. Building Representatives should attempt to send an alternate representative in their place.
- The chairperson of any committee which has been active since the previous PTO meeting shall report on their actions/progress of the project at the next meeting. The President shall be contacted of any new business or reports to be placed on the agenda.
- No PTO Board member shall enter into any type of contractual or financial agreement on behalf of the PTO without first presenting full details of the agreement to the Board and receiving majority approval.
Article VI – Officers
- The elected officers of the PTO shall be President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The term of office for officers and building representative shall be a minimum of one year, not to exceed more than three consecutive years in one office unless otherwise voted to retain positions by the majority at a general meeting.
- The term of office for Committee Chairpersons will expire upon completion of duties, dissolution of committee or one year.
Article VII – Duties of Officers
- President
- Shall conduct meetings of the PTO and will coordinate the activities of the PTO Board.
- Shall be an ex-officio member of all committees except for the Nominations Committee.
- Shall compile an agenda and present agenda at the meetings.
- Shall write or see to it that current PTO business is written on a PTO website and/or printed in the local newspaper, as needed.
- Shall accept as volunteers the Faculty Building Representatives.
- Shall be one of the four elected officers authorized to disburse payments.
- Vice-President
- In the absence of the President, shall act as President.
- Shall be in charge of the By-Laws Revision Committee.
- Shall make changes to the By-Laws as determined by the Committee and approved by PTO.
- Shall be one of the four elected officers authorized to disburse payments.
- Secretary
- Shall keep an accurate and permanent record of all meetings of the PTO.
- Shall present the minutes of the preceding meeting at each PTO meeting.
- Shall submit PTO meeting minutes to the local newspaper.
- Shall write all correspondence from the PTO with the exception of any Committee correspondence directed by chairpersons.
- Shall maintain a file of all correspondence to and from the PTO and provide copies to President upon request.
- Shall maintain a master file of committee activities and provide copies to President.
- Shall be one of the four elected officers authorized to disburse payments.
- Treasurer
- Shall be one of the four elected officers authorized to disburse payments.
- Shall make all deposits or authorize another officer to do so on their behalf.
- Shall keep an accurate record of all expenditures and receipts of PTO monies. Said records are to be open for public inspection at any reasonable time.
- Shall submit a written financial statement (Treasurer’s Report) of paid receipts and expenditures at each meeting of the PTO. Copies are to be available to all members upon request.
- Shall ensure that all PTO receipts are deposited in a timely manner.
- Shall ensure that all PTO expenditures have been approved by the PTO prior to the expenditure.
- Shall acquire the monthly bank statement that is mailed to the school and balance the account.
- Shall report the return of any checks in the ledger and collect funds, all bank fees as well as a $25 charge, in cash, from the check writer.
- Building Representative
- Shall represent their building at General Meetings to inform PTO of events, needs and other pertinent information related to their building.
- Shall attend all regular meetings or send another representative from their building on their behalf to act as a liaison for their respective building.
- Shall convey PTO information back to the Administration, teachers and staff in their respective buildings; upcoming meetings, events, other needs.
Article VIII – Standing Committees
- Chairpersons
- Shall keep a current log of their activities.
- Shall prepare an End-Of-Event report to be given to the PTO Secretary, and present information at the next appropriate monthly meeting.
- Nomination Committee
- Shall consist of three members.
- All committee members shall be appointed by the President in February.
- The Chairperson shall be elected from that committee by its members.
4. The Nomination Committee shall present a slate of candidates at the April PTO meeting.
- Only one name per office shall be presented by the Nominations Committee.
- Other nominations, if any, may come from the floor at the April PTO General meeting.
- Chairman and members of the Nominations Committee may not appear on this slate, but may be nominated from the floor.
- By-Laws Revision Committee
- Shall be comprised of the Vice President and at least one other PTO Board member, along with other PTO members totaling no more than 7 Committee Members.
- This Committee will be formed at the first meeting of the school year and shall meet within 30 days to evaluate the need for revisions to the current By-Laws.
- Proposed revisions may be submitted by general membership to the Revisions Committee in writing at any time.
- Revisions shall be brought before the PTO in accordance with the provisions for amending these by-laws herein stated.
Article IX – Election
- Election of Officers will be held at the April General Meeting.
- Nominations from the floor will be taken at this meeting.
- Officers shall be installed at the May PTO meeting.
- Vacancy in an elected office or committee chairmanship will be filled before the next meeting by appointment and by an approval of the Board.
Article X – Rules of Order
Robert’s Rules of Order shall govern this organization in all cases to which they are applicable.
Article XI – Amendments
Amendments to these by-laws may be made at a general meeting of the PTO by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present, providing that the meeting date was posted in the local papers or the school website.
Article XII – Standing Rules
- No less than $300.00 shall be carried over from one fiscal year to the next.
- Committees shall consist of no less than four members, unless approved by the PTO Board.
- A ballot vote may be taken on any issue at a PTO Board meeting if requested by any PTO member. The President should ask for a voting preference before voting on potentially sensitive issues.
- PTO meetings shall be held with a minimum of two PTO Board members present, with the exception of Special Event Committee meetings.
- Any donations disbursed by the PTO to any particular organization, or classes within, or pertaining to school activities within the School District will only be considered if the donation is a benefit to at least 51% of that class or organization. If an application for donation is accepted by the PTO, a pre-set limit will be a minimum of $50 with a maximum of $200 to be issued to the requesting group, class or organization. A 2/3 majority of PTO members present at a General Meeting could amend the maximum for extraordinary circumstances. Consideration for donation requests will be determined with a portion of the criteria based on participation in PTO.
- Staff Points System
- A Teacher or staff member of the Auburn School District must complete a Points System Request Form, obtained from the Building Representative or current PTO President. Teachers and staff have the option of submitting separately or in a combined effort.
- In completing the form, the personnel must indicate the number of points accumulated and attach a Points Tally Sheet and submit completed form to their Building Representative, a current PTO officer or present the form themselves at a PTO meeting.
- Prior to submitting a Points Request Form, a teacher or staff member shall have accumulated points. Points shall be accumulated based on the following services to PTO:
- Serving as a PTO Officer 50 points
- Building Representative 50 points
- Serving as a Committee Chairperson (each) 15 points
- Serving on an event Committee (each) 10 points
- Basket Donation for Fall Festival 10 points
- Attending PTO General Meetings (each) 2 points
- The Building Representative or PTO President will present any submitted forms to the PTO at the next General Meeting.
- If approved, the PTO will issue payments directly to the submitting staff based upon availability of funds. There is a maximum payment of $100.00 per Staff member, with the exception of Officers or Building Representatives that may earn up to $150.00.
G. Standing Rules may be amended or waived by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of members present at any meeting providing that the meeting date was posted in the local papers or announced through other mass communication.
- PTO will award two annual Senior Scholarships. The scholarships will be awarded in the amount of five hundred dollars ($500.00) each.
B. The selection process will be based on the following criteria
- The student will attend a college, university or training/vocational center.
- The student must demonstrate both the ability to pursue and to finish their course of study.
- In order for seniors to be eligible, they must complete the required PTO Scholarship Application available from the school counselor.
- All forms are to be returned to the High School counselor by the specified date to be considered by the PTO selection committee.
C. Scholarship Committee
1. The PTO Scholarship Committee will consist of three PTO members that are not related to or close friends of senior students.
2. The PTO Scholarship Committee will review applications and make their selections.
3. The final selections will first be revealed to the School Counselor, and then announced.
- Award Disbursements
- The scholarship money will be paid directly to the student from the current PTO Treasurer upon proof of registration.
- If student cannot show proof of their course registration by September 30 of that same year, they forfeit the scholarship and the money remains in the PTO treasury.
- PTO will award one thousand dollars ($1,000) in Grants to Teachers/Staff in the District twice per school year. Any monies not disbursed in the fall will be added to the spring amounts.
B. The selection process will be based on the discretion of the committee.
- The Teacher/Staff member will attend a conference that will benefit the students of the School District.
- If the staff member will incur an absence to attend the Conference/Workshop, the absence must first be approved by the Principal.
- If a substitute is required for an absence PTO will first pay the School District for reimbursement of the substitute, then the remainder of the grant will be issued to the staff member to assist in covering the cost of the Conference/Workshop.
- Any additional charges incurred beyond the amount of the grant is not the responsibility of the Auburn School District, unless prior authorization is obtained from District Administration
- The selection process will be based on the following criteria:
a. Application form must be completed submitted as directed on the application by the deadline noted on the application.
b. A Grant Committee will anonymously review all applications. Decisions of the Committee are final.
C. Grant Committee
1. The PTO Grant Committee will consist of three members.
2. The PTO Grant Committee will review applications and make their selections.
3. The final selections will be announced at the next General PTO meeting.
D. Award Disbursements
- The grant money will be paid directly to the chosen staff members after any District expenses (i.e.: substitute) are reimbursed.
- The Staff members may obtain their grants from the current PTO Treasurer after presenting proof of registration or completion of conference/workshop.
- If the recipient cannot provide proof of their registration or completion of the workshop by the end of the next school year, they forfeit the grant and the monies will remain in the PTO treasury.