Student Information Sheet
August 07, 2009
Student Information
The following information will be useful when working with your child. THANK YOU!
Student’s Name _________________
Email Address(es) for Weekly Goal Sheets: (List if different from Skyward email: )
Information that may be important (headaches, ear infections, bladder problems, nose bleeds, fears, etc.) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
**Please use the back of page to include any other information that you believe will be helpful to me when working with your child.
After School Plan
My child will:
Walk/Ride bike home from school _____
Ride the bus home from school _____
Will be picked up by ________________ in front of the school.
Student Photos/Name Yes No
Can your student’s name be included in a class list to be sent home? ___ ____
(The above would be used for classroom parties, I.E. Valentine’s Day)
Can your student’s picture be taken in class? (I.E. class books/crafts) ___ ____
_______________________________ _____________
Parent Signature Date
Thank you so much for your time!