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Third Grade News

by Sara Kraus

May 02, 2014

Third Grade News


        Welcome back!  I hope you all had a wonderful summer break!  Below I have included information that will be helpful for you during this year.

Third Grade News

  1.  Skyward

Skyward is the computer system used by the Auburn School District.  Grades, lunch account information, and various notifications are available through Skyward.  If you do not have access, please contact the middle school office to establish access.

Lunch money can be added through Skyward which will eliminate the need to send money with your student.  (Teachers do not have access to student lunch account information.  I am not aware of low account balances so it is a good idea to check periodically).

 Hard copy report cards are not provided unless a written request is made to the building principal.  Grades may be accessed through Skyward.  Please note I try to update grades 1 time per week.

Lunch menus will not be sent home with students.  They can be viewed through the food services tab on the school’s website.  www.auburn.k12.il.us . I will have a printed menu in the classroom for students to view.

It is possible to receive various notifications through Skyward.  All you have to do is check which you would like to receive through your Skyward account.

  1. Weekly Goal Sheet

Each Friday I will email a class goal sheet for the upcoming week.  It will have spelling words, important dates, and an overview of what we will be studying.  I will use emails provided through Skyward.  I will provide 1 copy in the front pocket of the homework folder.

  1. Homework Folder and Agendas

Your child will be bringing home a folder each day in which any homework, graded work, or notes from school will be placed.  Each student will have an agenda book where your child will be responsible for writing down his/her assignments.  (I will have assignments written on the board; students will copy from there).  If the assignment is finished at school, I will initial next to the completed item.  If your child needs to finish the assignment at home, I will circle it.  I then ask that you initial the agenda book when the work is complete.

Each day students will mark their behavior color in their agenda.  If necessary, I will write why the card was turned. Please sign each week (next to the word Friday is fine) so that I know you have seen the behavior color

In order to help keep students better organized, try to clean out the folder each day.  (This could be the student’s job).  This makes finding things much easier.  When something needs to be returned to school, place it in the homework folder and I will get it to the proper place.  (Paperwork, homework, lunch money, notes, etc.)  It may be helpful to paper clip small items to the folder pocket.

  1. After school procedures

Please make sure your child knows what his/her after school plan is. If changes are made to the normal routine, please send a note with your student in the morning. 

Students who walk home or are being picked up will be dismissed at 3:15. If you will be picking up your child after school, he/she will meet you at the front of the school.

Students who will be riding a bus home will be released by the office announcement to walk to the bus loading area which will be supervised by school personnel.



At times your child may have appointments that require him/her to leave school early.  Please remember that all students must be signed out in the office.  It works best if you stop by the office first, then someone will call the room and I can get your student ready to go.  This way you can be signing out while your child is getting ready to go and possibly save some time.  When possible, please let us know in advance when your child will be leaving early, either through a note or a phone call.  (See school handbook for more information on this matter.)

6.Forgotten items 


If at any time you need to bring something your child has forgotten, please take it to the office.  The office will let us know that the item has arrived.  This helps to cut down on interruptions to the academic time.


Thank you for all your help with the above items!  These little things can help make a school year go so much smoother.


Ms. Kraus




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