Rules and Consequences
May 02, 2014
3rd Grade Rules and Discipline Policy
Classroom Rules
1. Follow directions
2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
3. Do not leave the room without permission
4. No foul language or making fun of others
5. No yelling or screaming
We will be using a card pull system to keep track of behaviors. Each student will have a behavior pocket with his/her name on it. Each day, students will have five (5) cards in their pockets. (green, yellow, orange, brown, and red). If a 3rd grader chooses to break one of these rules, he/she will be asked to remove a card from his/her pocket. Each card behind the green one represents a consequence for choosing to break a rule. The cards and their meanings are as follows:
Yellow –Warning
Orange-Lose one recess/ parent contact
Red-Referral to the principal/parent contact
Parent contact will be made through writing or by phone.
Severe Clause: In the event of severe misbehaviors (fighting, vandalism, or defying the teacher) the student will be removed from the classroom immediately without moving through the card system. Each case will be dealt with individually by the teacher and/or principal.
POSITIVE BEHAVIOR will be rewarded through verbal and written praise, stickers, and other methods to be determined by teacher and students.
Please sign and return this portion
Student: I understand that the classroom rules are in place to keep me safe. I am aware of the consequences for breaking the classroom rules.
Student signature (can be printed)
Parent/Guardian: I have read the 3rd grade discipline policy and have discussed it with my child.
___________________________ _________________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date