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Mrs. Sample

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Class Handout and Expectations


Business Classes - Mrs. Sample

Consumer Education is designed to prepare you with life skills that are necessary to be successful consumers.  Topics that will be covered include: Consumer Choices, Economic Principles, Money Management, Financial Security, Smart Shopping and Spending Decisions.  A stock market project will be completed through the semester.  Instruction will be done through Google Classroom, PowerPoints, discussion and coursework.


Accounting I provides you with the skills needed to keep accounting records for businesses such as financial statements and payroll. A simulation packet is normally completed during 4th quarter.  A textbook, workbook and handouts will be used to complete the coursework.


Accounting II expands on topics from Accounting I.  The class will provide you with accounting knowledge and skills needed for beginning accounting careers or careers in related business fields, and to serve as a foundation on which to continue the study of accounting at the college level.  A textbook, workbook and handouts will be used to complete the coursework.


Introduction to Business is an introduction to the world of business and helps to prepare for the economic roles of consumer, worker, and citizen.  It allows an understanding and appreciation of business organizations, and how they affect the economic system.  This would include banking, consumer buying, savings, credit, and insurance. Instruction will be done through Google Classroom, PowerPoints, discussion and coursework.





  1. Be on time, on task & prepared to learn EVERYDAY.  #nofreedays  #dontaskifyouneedyourbook
  2. Respect the teacher, the classroom, other students and yourself.   #benice  #raiseyourhand   #workquietly
  3. Be responsible for your own learning.  #workhard  #askquestions  #participate  #nocheating
  4. Take responsibility for your own actions.  #ownuptoit
  5. Clean up after yourself and your peers.  #pushinyourchair 
  6. No food or drinks.  
  7. Remain in seat until I have dismissed you.  #dontlineupatthedoor  #dontmovechairs #dontstandatwindows
  8. Keep all your personal electronics PUT AWAY & in the assigned area.  #onlywithpermission  #notexting  #notweeting  #nopictures



Grades will be based upon homework, notes, projects, participation, quiz and test scores.



Folder, calculator, notebook paper, pen or pencil, textbook, current chapter handouts and passes. (Blue or Black ballpoint pens are the only colors allowed to use in class),

Three passes are allowed per quarter for the restroom, locker, office, and drinks.  Use them wisely; students will not be allowed to leave the room once they are used unless they are willing to take a tardy.  Bring your passes to class every day.



If late to class, students will not be allowed into class without a tardy printout from the office. Detentions for tardies will be issued from the office.





Students are allowed to make up work for excused absences.  If a student is absent when a homework assignment is collected for a grade, that assignment is due immediately upon the student’s return.  When absent, students are given one day for each day absent to make up all work.  It is the students responsibility to pick up the work from the absent sheet tray.



The use of phones in the classroom will NOT be allowed.  Upon entering the classroom, it will be your responsibility to put your phone in the designated area.  Phones should be off and in the designated area during the entire class period.  You may retrieve your phone when class is dismissed. 


Homework/Late Work Policy

  • Most assignments will be due at the end of the class period.
  • Assignments due the next class period are due at the beginning of that class period.
  • Google Classroom Assignments need to be turned in before the time it is due.
  • All written homework needs to be turned in to the homework tray.
  • Late homework assignments will only be accepted one day late.  All late assignments will result in no more than 50% of the total points for that assignment. 
  • If a student needs help on an assignment, they should come in before or after school before the assignment is due to get help.



Students are expected to take tests on test day.  If you are absent on a test day, you will need to schedule a time before school to come in and make the test up.  All tests have to be made up before the end of a grading period.  Any tests not made up will result in a zero.  

Test Study Sites
  • Study Guide links will be posted on Google Classroom or can be found on Mrs. Sample’s page on the school website.
  • Vocabulary is on quizlet.com.  Search for dsample23 to find the vocabulary.   No log in or account is needed.


Communication With Home

Please feel free to contact me with any questions, comments, and/or concerns.  I prefer to communicate via email, as it is much faster for me to check and answer.  I am available for phone calls before and after school hours.


Email:  dsample@auburn.k12.il.us

Phone: 217.438.6817




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