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Mrs. Cunningham

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Desktop Publishing

Desktop Publishing/ Yearbook


A Yearbook Is...


The purpose of this course is to produce the Auburn High School yearbook, The Oracle, along with other various publications that are to be distributed to the student body and community. This full-year course is designed to combine English communication skills with graphic art, design and computer skills. Students will learn the skills of effective verbal and visual communication, as well as time, personnel and money management. They will use Adobe InDesign and Photoshop programs to design the yearbook. A great deal of work outside of class is a requirement, i.e., attending school functions, taking pictures, soliciting advertisements and meeting deadlines. Students in this course will learn responsibility including editing, writing, planning, designing, organizing and managing production of the yearbook publication.

This course has several objectives, two primary objectives are: to teach students the skills required to create a yearbook and school newsletter and to produce a publication which reflects journalistic standards. In order to accomplish these objectives, the students will devote their time to the following:

  • Learning their rights and responsibilities as student journalists and designers.
  • Gaining proficiency in desktop publishing with Adobe InDesign.
  • Incorporating advanced design principles such as grid and modular design into the yearbook.
  • Learning and using journalistic writing techniques.
    Developing student leadership and decision-making skills
  • Finding ways to include every student and staff member in the yearbook
  • Producing a yearbook the staff, the school and the community will enjoy.

Expectations: Four Basic Attitudes Will Be Critical To The Success Of These Publications

Students will be expected to meet all deadlines. Students will also be expected to be on time for class, meetings, photo shoots and interviews.

Students must be willing to take a risk and try something new. Risk-taking may involve interviewing someone a student does not know or going to events and getting up close to take pictures.

When a student agrees to take on the responsibility of working on a student publication, the student must also assume responsibility for his/her actions. Whenever a student is out in the school or larger community fulfilling his/her responsibilities, that student is acting as a representative of the entire school.

Attention to Detail
Desktop Publishing/Yearbook/Any Publication is a perfectionist’s business. Students must pay attention to details because details cost money.

Grading will consist of several different assignments, some of which include deadline completion, photo assignments, proofing of pages, layouts, etc.

Since deadlines are involved, attendance is strongly encouraged. Excessive absences are highly discouraged. Attendance to extracurricular events will be required on several occasions.

After School Responsibilities:

Some assignments – particularly photo shoots and interviews – will be completed outside of class time. Students should plan transportation needs and homework schedules accordingly. As a deadline approaches, students may need to stay after school to finish pages. Students will need to commit to time outside of the school day, but also on weekends and in the summer to help complete the publication.

Ad Sales:
All students are required to sell advertising. It is necessary to pay for the costs of the yearbook production. In addition, this helps simulate the activities of a professional publication. Each staff member is required to sell 5 advertisements and/or to approach at least 10 businesses. Students will be graded as to if they sold the appropriate number of ads and/or approach the minimum number of businesses. Grades for this will not be assess as to the dollar amount of ads sold, just the total number of ads sold.

Photo Equipment Use:
Students may use their own digital cameras or they may use the staff equipment. All students must sign out the cameras and return them the next school day by 8:15. Students who abuse or damage this equipment will be expected to cover the costs to repair or replace this equipment.

Computer Use:
All school policies are in effect. In addition, these students have access to a network drive dedicated to the yearbook staff’s use. Students who misuse or abuse their access to the yearbook drive (example: hiding personal files or inappropriate material on the drive) will lose these privileges. Disciplinary action will also follow.

Types of Assignments:

The teacher and editors assigns copy. This is a story written by a student that includes the subject of a section’s pages. For example, if the student life section has a page on after – school jobs, the copy could be about the types of jobs and the students who work at them. Each copy assignment will include specific directions for the type of information needed. Copy submissions are typed, double-spaced and saved in the student’s folder on the yearbook server. Edit and proof each draft you submit for a grade.

Final Copy:
This is the final draft of copy. Make and turn in corrections on time.

Spreads may require quotes obtained for students, faculty or staff outside the class. Depending on the number of quotes required and the variety of the student population polled.

Each spread is required to have at least one headline.

Students are responsible for writing the captions for photographs on their assigned pages. Every picture needs a caption which must meet stylistic guidelines set by the editors and advisor.

Photo Assignments:
Students are responsible for taking pictures at all events, even if it is not their page. If a specific photographer is not available for the assignment, the student must take the pictures themselves or arrange for someone to take the pictures, following the guidelines set up by the teacher. Each student must take at least 25 useable pictures per week, unless told otherwise by the advisor. These weekly photo assignments are worth 50 points.

Meeting Deadlines:
Students are expected to complete all assignments for deadlines themselves, but if that cannot be done, they are to seek assistance from other staff members. Any portion of a deadline that is not completed by the assigned staffer will result in deducted points at on the specific spread. For example, if a staffer does not complete the copy for his/her assigned pages, then he/she will have 1/2 the total points he could have earned.

Final Exam:
Everyone will be required to take a written final exam.

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