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Mrs. Cunningham

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Computer Applications 2

Computer Applications 2

More technical and advanced material is covered in this course. Database and presentation software is covered along with their integration with word processing and spreadsheets software. We will also discuss and work with various new and emerging technologies.


Grades will be based upon homework, in-class assignments, notes, quizzes, and test scores.

A             100-90                   B             89-80                     C             79-70                      D             69-60                     F              59 or ê



All students are encouraged to have a folder/binder, notebook paper, and pen/pencil to use in class. You will not be allowed to leave papers in the classroom.



You will be allowed to make up work for EXCUSED absences. If you are absent when a homework assignment is collected for a grade, that assignment is due immediately upon your return. When you are absent, you will be given one day for each day absent to make up all work. When you are absent you assignment will be written on the absent sheet and put in the designated tray. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to make up the work. If there is not a sheet in the tray for you, please double check to make sure what you need to make up. Also, you must turn in the Make-Up Work Completed Sheet. If you do not turn in the Make-Up Work Completed Sheet, you will not receive credit for the work made up.



  • All assignments must be turned into the homework tray or in Google Classroom at the beginning of the hour unless another due date and time is given. All assignments in Google Classroom will have a date and time posted with the assignment.
  • Assignments turned in late but on the day they are due will earn 50% for what you have correct. Any other assignments turned in late or not turned in when due will receive no credit.
  • If you need help on an assignment, you should come in during advisory, before school or after school to ask for help. Coming in at the beginning of the hour it is due and asking will result in a late assignment.


Electronic Devices

All electronic devices (phones, games, headphones) will be collected at the beginning of each class period. They should be off and in the designated area until the end of the class period. Devices will be taken if they are being used without permission or you have not put them in the appropriate area. Electronics being plugged in without approval or being used without permission will confiscated and taken to the office after the class has ended.



  • You are to be in your seat, ready to start class when the bell rings or you are tardy. This means you should have already turned in homework, picked up your make-up homework information, have your computer on and logged in if needed for the class. You are ready to start class as soon as the bell rings.
  • Respect not only the teacher, the classroom materials & equipment, but also all others students and yourself.
  • Take responsibility for your own actions.
  • No backpacks, bags, purses, or hats in the classroom.
  • No food, candy, or drinks – this includes water bottles.
  • Clean up after yourself and your peers. This includes pushing in your chairs and cleaning up your work area prior to leaving the room.
  • Label all homework assignments with name, date, assignment name and class hour. Homework turned in without names will be thrown away – this includes electronic assignments.
  • Remain in your seats until you have been dismissed.



All students will be allowed 3 passes per quarter to use the restroom, locker, office, etc. It is advised to use them wisely. You will not be allowed to leave the room once they are used unless you are willing to take a tardy.


Internet Rules

  • You must comply with your Agreement at ALL times.
  • If told for any reason to leave a page or close a browser, do so immediately.

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