Transportation Services
The Auburn district has a number of bus routes to serve the 83 square miles within the district. Busses transport students in Pre-K through grade 12 in areas that are 1.5 miles or more from school. In the city of Auburn, Pre-K through grade 8 students are transported if they live in a section of the city that has been declared by the Illinois Department of Transportation to meet the criteria for a hazardous route. The area of the city that is south of state route 104 is included in the hazardous route area. Also, the area of the city that is east of the Amtrak railroad tracks is included in the hazardous route area.
The district currently runs 14 busses on a daily basis in transporting students to and from school in both Divernon and Auburn. In the farthest areas of the district, where the bus may not need to travel if your child is not riding, we appreciate it when you call the bus garage (438-3521) before 7:10 AM to let us know. In this way we can inform the driver that they do not need to go by your house that day.